Red Moons of Kvertind || Come And Find Me

[CC for rus subtitles] This story is about a young woman named Yuna Gorst who decided to find the person responsible for her father’s death. Before beginning the search, she is admitted into the magical Academy. In a series of haphazard events, Yuna gets involved in a special ritual of magical connection with her teacher. And now this connection cannot be broken. But she can use it to her advantage. | E D I T O R | TIFA | F A N D O M | Серия книг “Красные Луны Квертинда“ / “Ментор Черного Паука“ (Нина Малкина) / Red Moons of Kvertind series by Nina Malkina | S O N G | #books #booktrailer #booktube #booktok #viddingisart #fanvidfeed
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