RUGBY | 4K Narrated Walking Tour | Let’s Walk 2022

Join me for a walk around the heart of Rugby, a historic Warwickshire town and the world-famous birthplace of, well, rugby! As well as the sport that it gave its name to, the town is home to a centuries-old public school, a collection of historic streets, a great industrial heritage, numerous pubs and the remains of a medieval castle. On our walk around Rugby, we pass a number of interesting landmarks, including The Clock Tower, St. Andrew’s Church, The Tew’s Butchers, the old London House Inn, Rugby Central Shopping Centre, Rugby Art Gallery & Museum, Sheep Street, High Street, the old Town Hall, the former workshop of William Gilbert, Rugby School (Headmaster’s House, Macready Theatre, Temple Speech Room, playing fields), The Merchant’s Inn, Regent Street, The Moat House, Castle Street, and The Rupert Brooke pub. Thank you so much to the following sites for their help in my research of Rugby:
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