【かま x みちる】 Love Me If You Can 踊ってみた - Niconico Video sm38477712

Or “It’s a song I’ve always wanted to dance to! Thank you for dancing with me ❤️“ Mi “I think I can only dance solo, so I’m glad you danced with me (灬 º‿º 灬) ♡ I’m looking forward to the next collaboration !!“ The third collaboration with Kama-chan danced a sexy song! I chose this dress because neither of them wants to put out their navel. Watching the video, I think it feels good (ꈍᴗꈍ) What do you guys think? The video has entered the 2021_copy section that I tried to dance super! Thank you for your comments and my list ♥ 楽曲本家様 : sm25892554 振付本家様 : sm27980070 撮影 : BCMさん 編集 : みちる 踊った人: かま(開始左) mylist/46306450 Instagram @kama_w みちる(開始右) mylist/46674501 Instagram @michiru_2525 二人の前作【Booo!】 sm36047597 みちる♪ 03/24/2021 11:00 Views 679
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