This Dog Cried When Vet Said He Had Only 1 Hour to Live. Then the Unthinkable Happened!

Gemma the dog and Emily, her future human, met when both of them needed each other most. Tragedy had changed Emily’s entire world and left her broken. She didn’t know how she would continue on. Gemma was born into a horrible situation without love or care and she didn’t know anything else. The pair saved each other’s lives. What happened next was even more devastating. When the vet told them that Gemma only had an hour to live, the dog and her human both cried. Then the unthinkable happened! ↓ ↓ Keep Reading!↓ ↓ -- Sources: Music: Bensounds/Youtube Library Incredible stories wants to bring via actual true stories education and entertainment to all English viewers. We publish top 10, top 5, trending stories, storytime, stories in english and interesting stories. We are inspired by channels like Wonderbot, Extreme Trends and Did You Know to make these types of video’s. Do you have an idea for a video topic? Let us know in the comments! Subscribe so that you won’t miss our recommended stories whenever we publish a new video! Grab some popcorn and get ready for the best and most interesting stories on Youtube!
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