Poor sleep, easy to wake up, many dreams. try it.

Specific exercise improve symptoms, daily full-body exercises remove root causes. Poor sleep, easy to wake up, many dreams. try it. Stretch the ribs, clean out the liver. 9 times each side The liver is the organ in charge of emotions, when we are angry, anxious, pressed up, the liver meridian will be blocked and produce garbage, energy circulation is poor, thus affecting health, resulting in poor sleep quality, more dreams, easy to wake up in the middle of the night, and can not sleep after waking up. The liver garbage is usually blocked in the rib area, so we need to stretch and dredge regularly to clean the garbage. Just like the garbage in the home will smell for a long time and give birth to bugs, and the garbage in the human body will give birth to tumors for a long time, so it must be cleaned up frequently to be healthy.
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