How to Knock Out an Attacker

Learn Self-Defense ► How do you knock out an attacker? Knocking out someone is not as easy as some people think. One of the best ways to knock someone out is by using the element of surprise. The double palm strike is one of the best strikes to use if you want to knock someone out. A double palm strike is when you put one hand in front of the other and striking underneath the chin of your attacker. This will create maximum effect and can knock your attacker out if you put enough strength behind your strike. The best time to hit your attacker is as he’s talking or expanding his body in front of you. His muscles are relaxed and he’s thinking of striking you, so he won’t see it coming when you’re the one who strikes him first. Note that this self-defense technique should only be used if you feel your life is threatened. In that case, you always want to go pre-emptive so you’re the one striking your attacker first.
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