Свентояр (Sventoyar) - Ой там на горі (Oj tam na gori) [Ukrainian folk song]
Band: Свентояр (Sventoyar)
Album: Єдність (Unity)
Genre: Folk Metal
Country: Ukraine
Year: 2013
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* Свентояр
Ой там на горі (Oj tam na gori) - It’s a story about the inseparable pair of doves who loved each other. They met on the top of the mountain and caressed there. But once a hunter killed one of those doves. Since that time another disconsolate dove always comes to that mountain and mourns dead lover.
Ярогнев/Yarognev - guitars, back vocals, sopilka, tambourine
Полонея/Poloneya - vocal
Владимир/Vladimir - bass
Добромисл/Dobromisl - drums,