Meanings. Science ex machina

Подпишись на канал ► Sberbank, Skoltech, and RBC have joined their efforts to launch a project called The Theory of Everything, which presents a series of videos about scientific discoveries and progress in this field. The project encompasses cutting-edge pieces of research and tells viewers about scientists who foster Russian science and explain in which way new discoveries and developments in technology will affect the world. The first episode of the project is titled The Meanings. The host is Albert Efimov, VP, Director of the Research and Innovation Directorate at Sberbank, Head of the Engineering Cybernetics Department at NUST MISIS. The Scientia Ex Machina episode features the two academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Alexander Kuleshov, Skoltech President, and Evgeny Tyrtyshnikov, Director of the INM RAS. Together they discuss how AI will change the future of science. #рбктренды #future #science РБК Тренды ► Telegram ► Дзен ► Вконтакте ►
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