nomad ’eye 2 eye’ (prod. by cha cha malone) lyric video

Lyrics by DOY Composed and Arranged by ChaCha Malone, DOY Vocal Directed by DOY Background Vocals by DOY, ChaCha Malone Recorded by DOY @ ICONIC Studio Digital Editing by 김재연 Mixed by ChaCha Malone @ Chase Studio, Seattle WA Mastered by 권남우 @ 821 Sound Mastering [Credits] Creative Direction: Seo Donggeon Director: Seo Donggeon, Project Untitle Inc. DP: Lee Jiwoo , Hwang Inseop Hair and make up: Choi Bora, Han Ahreum Stylist: Lee Dongyun Location coordination: NOMAD productions Music video by NOMAD performing Eye 2 eye. Presented by NOMAD Entertainment OFFICIAL INSTAGRAM / OFFICIAL TWITTER / OFFICIAL TIKTOK / @nomad_entofficial OFFICIAL FACEBOOK / #DOY #SANGHA #ONE #RIVR #JUNHO #도의 #상하 #원 #리버 #&#
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