The History of Sven Friedrich (1992-2022)

Hello everybody! This is a special video for Sven Friedrich’s birthday. He turned 48 today! It’s been more than 30 years since Sven showed up in the dark scene. He originally started in 1987 with the band “The Nuisance“, and he wasn’t the original singer. Their first demo was released in 1991, and a song from that demo called “Ghost of a Glass“ is on my channel. but the first ever video recorded of Sven was in 1992 when he was performing with “The Nuisance“ which later transitioned to “Dreadful Shadows“. So now let’s take a look on how he evolved over the years. EDIT: I’m sorry but I think the Dreadful Shadows - Chains live was from 1996, but it could be from 1998, judging the quality and the release of the live album in 1998. I just couldn’t find a video of Sven back in 1996. ANOTHER EDIT: I found lives from 1996, they’re all the ones I’ve uploaded xD YET ANOTHER EDIT: I misspelled “pages“
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