Selected Originals - Churchill Receives Freedom Of Worcester (1950)

Selected originals (offcuts, selected scenes, out-takes, rushes) for story “Churchill Receives Freedom Of Worcester“ 50/42. Worcester, Worcestershire. LS Car driving through crowds to the Guildhall. LS crowds outside the Guildhall. LS Ext. of the Guildhall, decorated with flags, with crowds outside. MS Flag flying from the Guildhall. MS Statue of Carolus 1st. LS Elevated crowds in street. SV Winston Churchill and the Mayor of Worcester, TS Bennett greet VIPs. VS crowds outside. VS Churchill and Mayor walking into building. VS guests in robes. MS of Mayor and Mayoress shaking hands with Churchill. LS of Mayor leading Churchill out of Guildhall. His wife, Clementine Churchill is talking to the Mayoress. Winston gives V sign as he comes down steps. LS Churchill steps up to microphone. VS of Churchill arriving at railway station. Crowds and VIPs greet him. More shots of streets of Worcester decked in flags. VS of Winston outside Guildhall. VS of crowds. Churchill’s speech: ’Citizens of Worcester - the faith
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