The Passenger - The Cambodian Space Project

“The Passenger“ video is made up from GoPro footage filmed during the CSP’s 2013 “They Came From Somewhere Else“ tour and it is of course, a music video to Iggy Pop’s all time classic of the same name. Channthy’s re-written Pop’s lyrical masterpiece (apparently taking lines borrowed from a Jim Morrison poem) to sing in Khmer about her own ’passenger’ experience - 10,ooo kilometer tour across Australia in the CSP’s “White Whale“.  Channthy’s lyrics describe some of the scenes we encountered a long the way including the stunning landscapes, the people, faces and places and she describe all this as a kind of dream, a scene that lifts off from earth and becomes visible again as she travels up through the stratosphere and into some other dimension in outer space - a cosmic trip!. At the time of embarkation on They Came From Somewhere Else tour, we saw the road trip ahead of us as a great opportunity for The Cambodian Space Project to write itself
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