Resyncing the Yakuza 4 and 5 Dynamic Intros (So They’re a Bit Like Kiwami 2)

Unlike the last two, this kinda remakes the intros in a way so that the text looks different and I’ve created a bit of an artificial camera shake to make it more like Kiwami 2. Not like Yakuza 6 though because the intros in that game have the text on screen for 0.5 nanoseconds. Here’s a video with all of the originals so you can compare if you like: OG Video: Second OG Video: This video is literally just Yakuza 4 and 5 as I have mostly avoided those two. There is one intro in Yakuza 3 but I like how the music kicks in when the lads land in the intro. The only game I haven’t done now is Ishin but they went ham with the music syncing so I most likely will leave Ishin be. Unless it gets ported to PC which won’t happen lol. Timestamps with different names as to not spoil: Intro/Yakuza 4 - Minami 0:00 Yakuza 4 - The Beach Boys 1:27 Yakuza 4 - Kyodaaaiiii! 1:57 Yak
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