Exhibition News - Today & Tomorrow (1956)

Olympia, London. SV. Spaceships hanging from the roof at Olympia. GV. Spaceships on ceiling and what look like jet plane in foreground. Spaceship on a wall has winking eyes. AS. Spaceship with two funnel-like eyes in front, lights go on and off. SV. Children grouped round tables with model cars running about on it. SCU. Cars running round road and over a bridge. SCU. Table - two cars coming under a bridge and one overtakes the other. SCU. Mountain model with roadway cut into it. Cars going in and out of the tunnels and along the road. BV. Miget submarine. SV. School children standing by the side of the submarine. SCU. The sailor helping small girl down the hatch in submarine. GV. Vampire jet and lots of small children round it. SCU. Small boy seated in cockpit talking to . pilot. & CU. (Neg.) (Title Scene ’G’) SCU. Small model working. GV. People inside Food Fair at Olympia. SV. Lots of meat hanging and being displayed. SCU. Boar’s head all decorated, pan down to decorated pies. GV. Pan showin
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