martin & parrish • burning desire [HBD JUDY]

»....i’ve got a burning desire for you, baby....« OKAY I AM SO DONE, I RENDERED IT 4 TIMES. AND NOW I’M LATE. ANYWAY, MY SOON-TO-BE-WIFEY, JUDY, AMAZING PERSON HAS A BIRTHDAAAAAAAAAAAAY!! ♥♥♥ So I wish all the best for you, for all your dreams to come true of course, more gay shiiiips (i know you want them), more on-the-floor drunk parties ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), also more our awesome foursome... hehe, the boyz are waitin’ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ofc for marrish to become canon (omfg why did i say it’s your birthday
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