Spider plant grown balcony SUPER Beautiful. Planting ideas on balconies, gardens, offices

Spider plant grown balcony SUPER Beautiful. Planting ideas on balconies, gardens, offices Spider plants are chosen by many families to adorn their beautiful little garden, but few people understand the characteristics, meaning and how to grow this plant. Spider plant is also known by another beautiful name that is orchid grass or names such as spider grass, flowering hyacinth, orchid grass, mother grass, ... This plant is easy to grow so often Many families choose to decorate and decorate their “home“ garden to become rich and beautiful. Spider plant is known as a herbaceous plant, in the asparagus family, native to South Africa. The spider plant is also known scientifically as Chlorophytum comosum. The tree usually has long, thin foliage. The leaves have 2 colors, a mixture of green and white. This plant usually grows in clusters, 30-60cm high, the leaves will be 20-34cm long, stacked in layers. Uses of spider plant: - Purify the air: Spider plants have the ability to produce oxygen to help purify indoor air. They absorb CO2, formaldehyde, phenylethylene, benzene emitted by photocopiers, printers or nicotine in cigarette smoke... making the space cleaner. - Protect human health: This plant also helps to absorb electromagnetic radiation emitted from phones, tablets, laptops, ... to help protect your health. Therefore, it is very suitable to grow this plant in the corner of the house, in the bedroom or on the desk. - Helps increase memory: The green color of spider plant also helps our body increase memory by 20% and work efficiency by 10% - according to NASA research. Support treatment of diseases: The root of the plant is very effective for treating digestive problems. The stem of the plant has anti-inflammatory and cooling effects on the body. Growing this plant in the house also helps you reduce stress and can treat depression. I wish you a good day ❤️❤️❤️ I hope you will like it! Thank for your watching and don’t forget subscribe my channel ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ @5T1Ideas ❤️ #5t1ideas#howto#indoorplants#gardening
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