Rinpoche’s 2022 Chinese New Year Greeting | 仁波切2022農曆新年祝福

Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche sends his Chinese New Year greeting message to all of Khyentse Foundation’s friends and supporters and encourages us to recite the Dependent Arising Dharani and other sutras with this aspiration: “To be healthy, wealthy, and happy so that we can make others healthy, wealthy, and happy.” 宗薩欽哲仁波切為大家錄製了虎年的新春祝福,感恩大家對欽哲基金會的護持,並鼓勵我們在此新年期間唸誦《緣起偈》,並作如是祈願: “願我們能健康,富足,快樂,因此我們能讓別人也健康,富足,快樂。”
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