Linux for an Old Laptop

Lightweight Linux distros tested on a single core 1GB RAM Eee PC 901 netbook. Distros are Lubuntu 32 bit, BionicPup 32 and Zorin OS Lite 15.3. But which performs best on old hardware?! Lubuntu is available from: -- note that this is an newer site to that shown in the video, which is apparently no longer maintained. BionicPup 32, and other Puppy Linux distros, can be downloaded from: #download Zorin OS Lite can be downloaded from: #lite You are strongly advised only to download from the above official websites. My PC BIOS Settings video is at: You may also be interested in some of my other Linux videos, including: Linux Mint 20: My Top Linux Distro: Ubuntu for Windows Users: Linux Terminal Intro
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