Traveling west on Sunset Blvd in 1952

As an LA native, I’m fascinated by my city’s history. This 9 minute video was shot from the back of moving vehicle as it traveled west along Sunset Blvd in 1952. While a few landmarks remain (Chateau Marmont, Hollywood High School, Crossroads of the World, so much has been lost to history (Ciro’s, Tiny Naylors, the Oriental Theatre, Schwabs Pharmacy, Ah Fongs and most recently, Greenblatts Deli). How many places do you recognize from LA’s past? Score is Quiet City by Aaron Copland. This is Internet Archive’s 35mm film item IA 35000350, originally shot for Sandler Film Library. It was scanned in 5K ProRes422HQ; the version uploaded is a 2K h264 transcode. To access the 5K version or to obtain copyright clearance, please contact rick@.
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