Ice Cap Men Home Aka Ice Cap Men Return From Greenland (1952)

Topcliffe, Yorkshire. British airmen are rescued from Polar ice cap, off Greenland after crash. GV. SV. Plane taxiing in. STV. Crowd walking forward. SV. Ice Cap Men Disembarking. CU. Lance Corporal Brian Fussey greeting mother. SV. Major D. Barker Simpson leaving plane with crutches. SV. Crowd around plane. CU. Flight Sergeant Frank Burke greets wife and 3 year old son Bobby. SV. Pressmen etc. A/V. Ice Caps. A/V Glacier. A/V Snow wastes pan up to Ice Caps. SV. Supplies being prepared for drop. LV. Marooned airmen around wrecked plane. SV. Airmen preparing to drop supplies. SCU Signal light in a/c. SV. First drop going overboard. LV. Twin ’chutes floating to ground. SV. Wrecked plane. SV. Another drop being pushed out of aircraft. LV. Wrecked plane. Arctic tents in background. SV. Other ’chutes floating down. LV. Wrecked plane. SV. Jerry cans containing spirit being made ready. LV. Amphibian plane going into land. SV. Amphibian plane landing. LV. Amphibian plane taxiing up to wrecked Hastings. SV. Jerry c
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