Намо Буддая

Сага Дава Дучен gang tsé kang nyi tsowo khyö tam tsé When you were born, chief among human beings, sachen di la gompa dün bor né You took seven steps on this earth and said: nga ni jikten di na chok ché sung “In this world I am supreme.” détsé khépa khyö la chak tsal lo To you, O wise one, I pay homage! om muné muné maha munayé soha khyé la tö ching solwa tabpé tü Through the power of our praising you and this prayer, né dang wul pong taptsö shyiwa dang Illness, negativity, poverty, and conflict be quelled, chö dang tashi pelwar dzé du söl And Dharma and auspiciousness increase and spread.
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