Vodka Lemon - Film Completo Full Movie (Multi Subs) by Film&Clips
Vodka Lemon - Film Completo Full Movie (Multi Subs) by Film&Clips
Director: Hiner Saleem
Writers: Lei Dinety, Pauline Gouzenne
Stars: Romen Avinian, Lala Sarkissian, Ivan Franek
Nell’Armenia post-comunista, Hamo è un sessantenne vedovo ma piacente, con tre figli che manda avanti con una pensione militare insignificante. Il lavoro non lo cerca nemmeno perché tanto in Armenia non c’è. Non c’è nulla in Armenia. Ma di colpo arriva Nina, vedova e carina, conosciuta proprio al cimitero in visita ai rispettivi defunti coniugi.
In a remote, isolated Yazidi Kurdish village in post-Soviet Armenia, Hamo, a widower with a pitiful pension and three worthless sons, travels daily to his wife’s grave. There he meets the lovely Nina, who is communing with her late husband. The two are penniless, she works in a local bar that is about to close down, while he has been forced to start selling his meager possessions. All seems hopelessly bleak, yet when Hamo begins to court Nina, their unexpected love revitalizes them.
Dans un coin perdu d’Arménie, un village kurde de l’ex-URSS, Hamo, veuf sexagénaire, survit avec une retraite mensuelle de 10 dollars. Son rituel quotidien se résume à aller se recueillir sur la tombe de sa femme. Sa rencontre au cimetière avec la belle veuve Nina va redonner foi en demain à ces deux misérables au moment où ils sont sur le point de sombrer, car le café où Nina travaille va fermer tandis qu’Hamo en est réduit à vendre ses pauvres biens.
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Vodka Lemon - Film Completo Full Movie Multi Subs by Film&Clips
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