How did mcdonalds do an advertisement worth millions of dollars free| case studies #BusinessKing

This new McDonald’s ad that appeared on the side of the road in California has more staying power than any regular billboard because it’s actually illegal to remove. The sign is actually the result of a seed bombing where the shape of the famous golden arches is made up of yellow California Poppies. Designed by Sean Click, the McDonald’s logo looks like it’ll be there a long time since the poppies are illegal to dig up in the state of California! The environmental graffiti is somewhat ironic, as it represents a food company not synonymous with a healthy lifestyle but be that as it may, the idea of using the protected state flower is a bold, and very smart move. McDonald’s aside, the planted ad is innovative, fun and cost effective. Keywords- growth hacking marketing small business marketing strategies mcdonalds business strategy entrepreneurship entrepreneur entrepreneur motivation entrepreneur mindset marketing marketing strategies business business tips mcdonald’s, advetising, Business, Money, Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Wealthmarketing, Magnates, Mediamagnate, entrepreneurs, magnatessocial media , marketingmake money, onlinebusiness, stories, income,online business,how to get rich, youngBusiness ,documentaries,Business stories,business documentaries
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