HOW IT’S DONE: Chappie PC Case Mod World Series 2018 by Indylaser

This is project Scout-22 by Indylaser. The tower mod is based on the CMStorm Scout 2 by Cooler Master and as you noticed the tower mod was inspired by the movie Chappie. This tower mod is for the Cooler Master Case Mod World Series 2018 and Indylaser has put a lot of effort into this! With this highly sophisticated tower mod and enormous amount of planning the end result is incredible! Please check out his work on the Cooler Master Case mod World Series 2018 here: Vote for Indylaser!! CHOOSE: 32 INDY LASER - SCOUT-22 Indylaser’s Facebook: Indylaser would like to say thank you for all the friends who have supported and the following sponsors: Cooler Master Colorful Zadak Cablemod WD Follow jojococo studio! SUBSCRIBE and ENJOY TO MORE JOJOCOCO STU
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