The Dangers of Veganism

Think I care what The Blind, The Vulgar & The Hateful think of me? I know what My Beloved—The All-Seeing God thinks of me, not by shallow belief, cheap zealous faith, fervent patriotism or self-righteous “evangelism,” but by the unshakable conviction of real inner-communion. * Happy Now Olivia’s Bliss Bulletin #74   Believers?   Why do billions of “believers” think they deserve God’s Grace? Why do they think they will be “saved” from These Satanic Times of Tyrannical Mass Karmic Horror by a blazing biblical outward miracle of God?   Have you sacrificed every shred of egotism to seek and find Him within like the sages? Have you made yourself fearlessly fit to hear His Voice like the prophets? Have you loved Him immaculately above the world and the flesh like the saints? Have you served Him unconditionally in the face of persecution like the mightiest avatars? Have you for a second thought, “Geez, Divine Omnipotence probably requires some virtu
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