SmartCity Bin - Smart urn

The proposed high-tech urn is fully designed and developed in Russia. When creating the urn, the peculiarities of the climate and other conditions in which the equipment will work were taken into account. Technical characteristics and functions allow this technology to be unique in the Russian market and offer a number of useful functions, both for the population and for operating services. The autonomy of the urn The SmartCity Bin bin charges a large battery at any time of the year using a solar panel located at the top of the device. The solar panel is covered with a vandal-proof plastic shield. The charge is enough for trouble-free operation and performing all the necessary functions embedded in the urn computer. The technology eliminates the need to connect equipment to a permanent power source and promotes the idea of alternative energy sources. The compaction of waste In order to reduce the costs associated with waste disposal, The SmartCity Bin bin has a waste pressing system that allows you to reduce the placed garbage by a factor of 1:6-1:8. This means that there is no need to export air. For cities, this also significantly reduces unnecessary costs for garbage trucks, drivers ’ wages, and transport depreciation. Online monitoring In order to control the garbage collection equipment in the operational mode, the control of the garbage truck driver, garbage collection control, and control of further movement along the route of each driver is used to prevent empty “runs“. Accounting for traffic jams when moving a garbage truck The system allows the driver of a garbage truck to use a tablet or phone with the program installed on it to build the optimal route taking into account traffic jams at a given time, thereby reducing time and fuel costs to a minimum. Appearance of the urn SmartCity Bin smart urn has a solid construction based on metal sheets and is covered with beautiful plastic panels, in order to place advertising brochures on them, including social advertising. For the city, this is an additional type of advertising revenue, in addition to billboards on the streets, advertising at bus stops. Additional opportunity The urn has built-in atmospheric pressure sensors and external temperature sensors. This information can be useful, for example, for weather services. In addition, there is a useful function in which the urn keeps track of people passing by. This information is useful for statistics on traffic to parks, shopping centers, and other objects.
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