5 Stretches to Kick-Start Your Day

Whether you’re a 6am early riser or someone who presses the snooze again and again for more zzzz’s – getting up and moving in the morning isn’t always easy. A great way to awaken your body and set the tone for the day is to take 10 minutes of ‘me time’ stretching to relieve some tension and refresh your body. Why not give these 5 stretches to kick-start your day a try this week with Josh? We’re pretty sure it will make you feel great! • All 4s reach through • Alternating calf stretch • Alternating hip flex and reach • Squat hip pulse • Leg kick back and through Move through each stretch for however long feels good for you – but we recommend 20 to 30 seconds per stretch. The most important thing is to go at your own pace and always listen to your body to see how it responds. Feel free to move through this routine a few times and remember to spend more time in areas of tightness – or just areas where the stretch feels good! For more fun fitness
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