Moog Theremini Tutorial with thereminist Lydia Kavina

Thereminist Lydia Kavina, first taught by Léon Theremin himself, gives us great tips and tricks for playing the wonderful new Moog Theremini. If you’re just getting started with the Theremini, make sure to check it out! Want more info? See below! The Moog Theremini is an affordable modern re-imagination of the classic Theremin, which anyone can learn to play - it has: • User friendly pitch assist correction with selectable scales and root note, so you can’t play a wrong note! You can also turn this off for classical theremin glissando sounds, or just dial it back for partial correction as you improve your technique. • 32 different sounds on-board, covering a range of basses, lead sounds, classical theremin tones and much more. • Adjustable stereo ping-pong delay built right in, for wonderful ethereal sounds right out of the box! • Built in tuner gives live visual feedback of currently playing note, showing how close you are to hitting the note to help learn
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