Daniel is Thrown Into the Lions Den - Book of Daniel Chapter 6 --Timothy J Douglass Sr- Part 8

King Darius overthrows King Belshazzar after he sees the writing on the wall. King Darius appoints Daniel as President over all of the Kingdom of the Medes, Persians and Chaldeans. The 120 princes and the two Presidents under Daniel were very jealous of Daniel and set him up to be eaten by the lions. King Darius stayed up all night trying to figure out how to save Daniel from this situation. He was forced to order Daniel into the lions den for an entire night. The lions didn’t touch Daniel that night. King Darius set Daniel free in the morning and then ordered all of Daniels accusers, their wives and their children to be thrown into the den of lions after Daniel was set free. Worldwide Revival. Please Pray For. Daniel Chapter 6 Book of Daniel Series
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