Brubeck Quartet Time Out Album

Discography (with links to each song’s starting point): 1. Blue Rondo à la Turk - 00m00s 2. Strange Meadow Lark - 6m45s 3. Take Five - 14m11s 4. Three to Get Ready - 19m38s 5. Kathy’s Waltz - 25m04s 6. Everybody’s Jumpin’ - 29m59s 7. Pick Up Sticks - 34m27s Album Description: The album was intended as an experiment using musical styles Brubeck discovered abroad while on a United States Department of State sponsored tour of Eurasia, such as when he observed in Turkey a group of street musicians performing a traditional Turkish folk song that was played in 9/8 time, a rare meter for Western music. Read more about the album on Wikipedia at (album)
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