The Fascinating Secret Behind Hebrew Letters

Hebrew doesn’t work like any other language on Earth. Every letter of the Hebrew alphabet has a unique meaning, and this allows speakers to piece together words in a way that resembles the chemical language, where symbols directly represent substances. In this video, we explore the fascinating world of Hebrew letter meanings and how they can help us understand the essence of words. For example, the letter bet means a house, and this can be seen in words like “bayit“ (house) and “beit knesset“ (synagogue, literally “house of assembly“). Similarly, the letter nun means a seed, and this can be seen in words like “netzer“ (shoot, sprout) and “gan“ (garden). This unique feature of the Hebrew alphabet has fascinated scholars and speakers for centuries, and it continues to be a rich source of exploration and discovery. Sometimes I forget that the concept of the alphabet was invented by the Canaanite people. Most other written langu
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