From darkness to light, inertia to movement. I’m right here.
I overcome you by becoming everything which I already am.
Antonia Vai
Clairisa S. Patton
Beni Gottesman
’The subconscious mind, Tarot card mysticism and a journey through our own underworld. These three elements set the creative world for Antonia Vai’s new video GHOST.’
Director: Noemi Veronika Szakonyi
DOP: Mate Artur Vincze
Producer: Manx Taiki Magyar
Executive Producer: Dénes Pécsi-Szabó
Editor: Anna Vághy
Gaffer: Clara Dubau
AC: Hasan Hadi
Costume Design: Antonia Vai
Production Design: Lili Teplán
Production Manager: Nóra Pálma Miklós
The entire clip was shot in Cape Cod National Seashore, Massachusetts. The majority of the limited crew are classmates at NYU Tisch School of the Arts graduate filmmaking program. As the budget was low, everyone put their own time and creative energy into this project. We faced huge challenges but due to the support of amazing people and our loving crew we were able to pull it off. Our team was super enduring and hard working, our friends let us stay in their beautiful home, the Preservation Society provided and opened the Lighthouse for us, our producer’s friend lent us his boat. Creating this music video was a real team work.
Endless gratitude and big special Thanks to:
Peter Maye
John George
Katie Trudeau
Maryann Schafer
Denise Kopasz
Zsuzsanna Hámos
Gabriella Vajtay
Nauset Lighthouse Preservation Society
Cape Cod National Seashore Commercial Services Office
Sandwich Community Television
Supported by the Hungarian National Cultural Fund.
GHOST was written by Antonia Vai, arranged with guitarist Àkos Günsberger, double bass player Marcell Gyányi, drummer Ákos Huszár and Miklós Kovács. Recorded, mixed, mastered and post-produced by Márton Fenyvesi at Sinistra, Budapest.
No time to waste, love, no time to waste
I’m coming home, love
I’m coming home to where your ghost is looking for me
No time to waste, love, no time to waste
I’m coming home, love
I’m coming home to where your ghost is looking for me
My fighter, you’ve survived all your gunfires
Breathing all I hear at night is crackling sounds
As if you’re walking these floors
That’s how your ghost lives on in me
I was born into a desert, the first place I called home
Up in the sky was my Sun and Moon and the three of us lived alone
Out in the sand we had a hut where we knew that we were safe
Then my first tears dropped down to the ground and formed us a little lake
With each of my tears grew oceans and seas and rivers with waves to ride
The opinions I meet they each plant a seed in the garden of my mind
Some grow strong with roots like blades while others grow to weed
I’m still figuring which ones to cut off and which ones to let rise like trees
First friend I had, her name’s July, I gave her a room to bloom
A secret place with a bed for her to sleep as long as she would like to
And with each new soul steppin’ into my life, the rooms they multiply
Some are moving in just to move away
Some are only passing by, and you know what?
Your room stands empty now but my universe expands with everyone I love
Your room stands empty now but my universe expands with everyone I love
Your room stands empty now but my universe expands with everyone I love
Your room stands empty now but my universe expands with everyone I love
My fighter, you’ve survived your own gunfires
Breathing all I hear at night is the swarming from your loss
Tearing through the cracks, crawling through the walls
My liar, did you dodge your own gunfires?
May my feet carry me home
Leave the door open even if your ghost is all that lives on
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