Dutchstyle planted aquariums filled with rare plants
The tanks are 175x75x50 cm.
The light is 4x80W T5 (Osram 830 and 865)
In the left tank we are using aquasoil and in the right tank we are using black painted quarts gravel.
Both tanks have CO2 addition and we are dosing MasterLine fertilizers.
Plant list:
Alternanthera reineckii mini
Ammania pedicellata golden
Bacopa salzmannii
Centrolepis drummondiana
Cryptocoryne flamingo
Cabomba red belem
Cuphea anagalloidea
Cuphea utriculosa
Eriocaulon goias
Eriocaulon lineare
Eriocaulon parkeri
Eriocaulon quinquangulare
Eriocaulon setaceum
Eriocaulon sp Black
Eriocaulon sp Black (seeds)
Gratiola viscidula
Hygrophila araguaia
Limnophila aromatica mini
Limnophila belem
Ludwigia arcuata
Ludwigia pantanal
Ludwigia senegalensis
Ludwigia white
Pogostemon heidelberg
Pogostemon helferi
Pogostemon helferi red
Polygonum sao paulo
Proserpinaca palustris
Rotala blood red
Rotala bonsai
Rotala BSD
Rotala butterfly
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