Kaki King & Guy Buttery live in South Africa | “Kya Baat“

More music here and also here . There are a fair few other places within the world of the interwebs but for now, those two Uniform Resource Locators will be a reasonable start. Good luck! Both Kaki and Guy are ToneWoodAmp artists. If you’re not already familiar with this device or are in search of one, check out this link for an exclusive discount - __________________________ A snapshot of what Kaki King and I got up to on our recent tour of South Africa. Prior to our penultimate show in Cape Town, the good folk at Vagabond Sessions came along and filmed us playing a new tune of mine amidst the church pews, reverberating these here sonic fruits all about that cathedral. If you’re not familiar with the guruness that is Kaki, dive right in. She is full Jedi and it was a proper honour to share the stage/bench with her. If the rhythms contained within have any tendency to rebound in an outwardly fashion, do NOT
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