Bed Workouts for Your Abs

No excuses about not having expensive exercise equipment or not having any time to go to the gym. You can do them even before you get out of bed in the morning. #Abs #Belly #tummy 0:00 Dead Bug 0:41 Dead Bug 2 1:22 90 Degree 2:32 90 Degree Single Knee Crunch 3:13 Lying Air Cycles 3:54 Starfish crunch 5:05 Twisting Crunch 5:46 Crunch (arms straight) 6:26 Frog Crunch 7 before bed exercises to lose belly fat, exercise in bed before sleeping, exercise for flat tummy in 7 days at home, exercise for flat tummy in 7 days video, morning exercise for flat tummy, ab exercises in bed, bed exercises for legs. in bed exercises for everyday, strength exercises to do in bed at night, 6 exercises you can do in bed, arm exercises in bed, exercise in bed before sleeping.
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