[SFM] Too Many Snipers

Right, I think I’ll just resume back to making more SFM animations. Because that’s what everyone fucking wants. =_=;; Animation is based from my own experience while playing Team Fortress 2. Occasionally, I’d notice that the team I was on would have too many players playing as snipers, which puts us to a major disadvantage against the opposing team. (Since I play as a sniper a lot, sometimes, this left me feeling embarrassed when I realized that my team has 4-5 snipers in it.) There’s a reason why team composition is inherently important: the strength of one class makes up for the weakness of the other, and vice versa. Once again, 100% animated entirely within the Motion Editor alone. Audio was compiled together beforehand within FL Studio 10, to allow more creative freedom such as left-right panning effects. Also, I rendered the whole thing in 3 1/2 hours with 128x depth of field and 128x motion blur. After looking at my past movies, I realized that the Sniper class was the only
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