Sabse Unchi Prema Sagai | Kirtan with the Master

The ’Kirtan with the Master’ series showcases the LIVE performances of Paramahamsa Vishwananda as He sings devotional Kirtans and Bhajans dedicated to the Divine. Read the lyrics below to follow along and learn the meaning of today’s ’Kirtan with the Master’. Jai Gurudev! LYRICS: Sabse Ūnchī, Prema Sagāī 1) Duryodhana Ko Mevā Tyāgo Sāga Vidura Ghara Pāī 2) Jūthe Phala Sabarī Ke Khāye Bahu Vidhi Prema Lagāī 3) Prema Ke Bas Nripa Sevā Kīnhī Āp Bane Hari Nāī 4) Rājasuya Yajna Yudhishthira Kīno Tāmai Jūtha Uthāī 5) Prema Ke Basa Arjuna Ratha Hānkhyo Bhūla Gaye Thakurāī 6) Aisi Prīti Badhī Vrindāvana Gopīna Nācha Nachāī 7) Sūra Krūra Is Lāyaka Nāhī Kaha Lag Karau Badāī Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare Jai Rādhe Jai Rādhe Rādhe Rādhe Piya Piya Jai Shyāma Jai Shyāma Shyāma Shyāma Piya Piya Rādhe Shyāma Rādhe Shyāma Shyāma Shyāma Piya Piya Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Kri
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