De Gaulle In Addis Ababa (1966)

Unissued / unused material - some dates and locations may be unclear / unknown. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia VS President General Charles de Gaulle of France and his delegation including his Foreign Minister, Mr Couve de Murville, seated on the opposite side of the conference table in talks with the Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia and his government. CU Chandelier. MS Salon. VS Interior of the Emperor’s Palace showing decor, the wall hangings, tables, etc. MS One of the palace lions, chained, walks along the high wall around the Jubilee Palace. A keeper with a stick occasionally prods him to make him go back the other way. Eventually he lies down on the wall. LS The congregation arriving at a church in Addis Ababa. MS Priests and clergymen wait on the church steps for the politicians’ arrival. MS De Gaulle and Mme de Gaulle arriving at church and being greeted by the clergy. MS De Gaulle and his wife seated on thrones at the front of the congregation in the church. VS De Gaulle and his wife leaving the
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