Реконструкция лица Ричарда Львиное Сердце с надгробия в аббатстве Фонтевро

*Project requested by user/WinefrideofWales RE-UPLOADED DUE TO MUSIC CONFLICT Richard, later to be known as the “Lion Heart“ was the second born to parents Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine on September 8, 1157 in Oxford, England. Home life was turbulent and fraught with conspiracy and intrigue as his siblings (and ultimately, though not entirely willingly, his mother Eleanor) staged a revolt against his father Henry II in 1173, resulting in his mother’s imprisonment. The death of the elder brother Henry III in 1183 put Richard in position to claim the throne, but his father wanted his youngest son John to take his place instead. Richard was furious, and set out to “break“ his father with the help of Philip II of France, with whom their combined efforts eventually rushed the king into an early grave on July 6, 1189. An accomplished political and military strategist, the newly crowned King of England set his sights on joining the Third Crusade, after hearing the news th
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