ep46 - Sailing Delaware River - Cape May to Betterton - Hallberg-Rassy 54 Cloudy Bay - Sep 2018

In this sailing adventure s/v Cloudy Bay (Hallberg-Rassy 54) leaves Cape May on a bright sunny early morning and sails up the Delaware River to the Delaware canal. On the way we have an exciting sailing race with another yacht, who sneakily sailed passed us while we were enjoying breakfast! That race pumped some adrenaline into us, it was a brilliant sailing. We do miss racing! A non-eventful and pleasant passage through the C&D Canal (during which Glen kept busy polishing the barbecue!) into the upper reaches of the Chesapeake. By late afternoon we anchored off the tranquil town of Betterton on Sassafras River. We take a trip ashore to the quiet town and enjoy a walk along Betterton seafront and Betterton Beach. We were treated to a lovely sunset and peaceful evening, before sailing to Annapolis the following day. 30 Sep 2018
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