Mister Bellini - Hum [Going Bananas]
ℹ️ Release info
Artist : Mister Bellini
Track : Hum
Release : Lickity Split - 12’’ Vinyl Record [Bananas003]
Date : Jan 24
Label : Going Bananas
📀 Lickity Split
Two POV’s of a pretty X-rated story on the A, and an Instrumental affair for the prudes on the B.
🎧 Mister Bellini
Vienna, Austria. Record digger and DJ and producer, member of the Funkroom collective.
Discography :
Soundcloud page :
Bandcamp page :
📡 Going Bananas
Bass oriented record label based in The Hague, The Netherlands.
Discography :
Soundcloud page :
Bandcamp page :
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