Indomitable 6 Kills & 133k Damage | World of Warships Gameplay

Indomitable 6 Kills & 133k Damage About the Warship: British Tier VIII Aircraft Carrier -Map: Neighbors -Mode: Random Battle -Player: _MIDGARD_TARTARIA_prpr (EU) -Kills: 6 Ships -Players of my team: _MIDGARD_TARTARIA_prpr, Hlavou_Busil, Elendriel, Krucifikator, Quaywall, T0xxxY_, caz00, MIK__UA, molonlave, HMS_Noddy, msermniow, Kleinehelferin -Link to Replay: -Players of the enemy team: X45jf73, Kranecc, Sowl_Kautschuk, Zujuma, Garvin, woggibaer, CombustibleSideburns, Nikotinbl4_328462, JAPI_36, z_PoZiTiV4iK_z, pilesz, contrates -Damage caused: 132765 -Version: -Achievements earned: Kraken Unleashed!, AA Defense Expert ♦ Join our discord channel! ♦ ♦ Follow me on Facebook!: ♦ 🆕 Would you like to send me your best replay? You can do it in: 🆕 In my channel you will find the
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