Biscotti di Natale 🎄Palle di Neve ☃️ si Sciolgono in Bocca 🥰

Ingredienti : 120 gr. burro 1 uovo 100 gr. zucchero scorza di limone 2 cucchiai amido di mais 290 gr. farina 00 marmellata di mele & cocco Se Vi Piacciono - Nostri Video Ricette ISCRIVITI e Condividi Grazie di Cuore :) If you like our Videos leave a Comment and Subscribe its free. #italian_kitchen #fattoincasadaalba #dolce #apple_cake #cakevsreal #cakemix #cakerecipebytumpa #caketutorial #cakebase #cakeasmr #cakeathome #cakeadesign #cakecream #cakechallenge #cakecreamrecipe #cakeeating #cakefruit #cakeflour #cakehomemade #cakeidea #RECIPEFAST #FAST_E_EASY_DINNER #menu #RECIPES_ARANCE. #recipes_with_marmellata #recipes_cakes #sweet_easy_and_fast #Recipes_arabe_fast #recipes_without_furnace #ASMR_food #ASMR #Croissant #dessert #soft_cake #corte_orancia #Apple pie #recipes_arabe_easy #recipes_arabe #Moroccan_ricetti #recipes_made_in_home free banana cake, banana cake, chocolate cake, des
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