Armytek Wizard - Zebralight H600Fc -H600Fw - H603w - H602w

Comparative video: Armytek Wizard V3 Warm (basic version with led XP-L) - Zebralight H600Fc Hi-Cri (led XM-L2 Easy withe) - Zebralight H600Fw (led XM-L2) - Zebralight H603w (led XHP35)- Zebralight H602w (led XM-L2) All Headlamp at Turbo level Armytek Wizard: 975 lumens Zebralight H600Fc: 800 lumens Zebralight H600Fw: 970 lumens Zebralight H603w: 1126 lumens Zebralight H602w: 1020 lumens Perhaps it is useful this thread on Candlepowerforums international forum (many photos, video and beamshot) http://
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