Eric Cartman - Wild Wild West Song

South Park: Season 3, Episode 7 Cat Orgy (14 July 1999) Liane: Eric, the babysitter’s here. Come on downstairs. Cartman: But mmmooom, I’m playing Wild Wild West. Liane: I have to leave soon, Eric. Cartman: But mom, me and Artemus Clyde Frog still have to do our love scene with Salma Ha-yek. Liane: Come down as soon as you’re done. Cartman: Well, I’m a badass Cowboy livin’ in the Cowboy days. Wiggy, wiggy, scratch, yo, yo, bang, bang. Me and Artemus Clyde frog go save Salma Hayek from the big metal spider. A wiggy wig wig wiggy wiggy wig Fresh cowboy from the west side Fair use: this video, along with the audio, have been uploaded for entertainment purposes only.
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