1983-0831 Муладхара, сексуальная и семейная жизнь. Без перевода и без субтитров

1983-0831 Муладхара, сексуальная и семейная жизнь. Отрывок из лекции. Без перевода и без субтитров. Ссылка на лекцию _____________________ Now the first Chakra is the one, which manifests outside, the Pelvic plexus, which doctors know of. And this plexus looks after the excretory system of human beings. Even the sex is looked after by this particular center. Now, one must understand that Kundalini does not pierce through the first chakra. So the sex does not play any part, in the ascending Kundalini. Those people who preach that through sex you can reach God, are doing anti-God activities. One must know that if you indulge too much into sex, and perverted sex, you develop deseases. Those people who are also austere type, who lead an unnatural life, also become very dry, and impossible to be understood by anyone, as they have no emotion being left in them. So one has to be in the center of their innocence. [...] That you lead a
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