A few days ago I received my third Lucky 13 harmonica by Brendan Power, this time in D solo tuning. These harmonicas are really wonderful machines, with a great dynamic response and tremendous volume - in fact, so far the Lucky 13 is the only harmonica I can bring to a session and still hear myself play over the roar of the pipes and accordions. They’re half-valved, which means that (like a chromatic harmonica) they need to be properly warmed up before playing, or the valves will get sticky and the reeds will sound, well, reedy. If I’d have to name a negative point, it’s that the reed plate-cover design follows the older Hohner style, which is a bit rough on the lips if you play very fast (like me). If they would ever be made with the Seydel-style covers, where the comb wraps around the edge of the reed plate, this would be my #1 favourite harmonica ever.
Oh yes, the tunes are a jig by Dave Richardson called Calliope House, and a reel called Easter Breakfast by yours truly (which happens to be included in my