Поздравляю вас с выигрышем. Какие у вас будут пожелания Насчет приза вы можете выбрать приз!
Поздравляю вас с выигрышем. Какие у вас будут пожелания Насчет приза вы можете выбрать приз! Потому что вы.Наши благодетели.И самый прилежный покупатель моей книги как плести лапти русские.13 декабря отправка посылки Почтой России.И я могу..Выслушать ваши пожелания?
Давно хотел посмотреть и другим показать как русские крестьяне ходили в деревнях и жили в своих землянках в земле и деревянных домишкахс окнами из бычьего пузыря. В армий ходили в кирзовых сапогах и портянки мотали на босу ногу, онучи те же портянки, только длиннее. Лапти хороши для болотистых лесов, ходить по топи. Легко судить и дешевизна, береста-кора березы, а лыко-коры липы. Крепостные крестьяне землепашцы и собиратели леса, такую обувь носили веками.
Если книжка *как плести лапти русские* продается на Вальдбэррис. и на озоне, значит, её нужно приобрести.Это будет ваша настольная книга!
И обязательно нужно оставить отзыв 10 фоточек лаптей и 3 видеоролика про лапти.
Покупатели моей книги.Получают лапки, русские лечебные Почтой России бесплатно. Выходим на межгалактический уровень сохраняя уникальную русскую идентичность и славянский генетический код, оставясь экологичными и традиционными
Тренд 2023 года оргинальный женский лапоток с острым носочком. Подиумы Парижа и Милана апплодируют созданию такой модели, она не зря вызвала такой интерес среди наших зрителей и учеников. Брендовые русские лапти из липового лыка от Александра Юделевича для мамы ученик Алексея. Как думаете, понравится маме сюрприз?
- The challenges of documenting weaving techniques are mentioned.
07:36 🎥 Creating Accessible Weaving Instructions
- The importance of creating accessible weaving instructions, particularly in video format, is emphasized.
- Traditional written schematics are seen as challenging for beginners.
08:14 🌳 Types of Trees Used for Lapty
- Different types of trees, including linden and willow, are discussed as sources for lapty materials.
- The process of gathering specific branches is explained.
09:28 🪓 Processing Lapty Material
- The process of preparing and processing the gathered branches for lapty weaving is detailed.
- Techniques for obtaining long, usable laces (lychki) are explained.
11:06 🌟 Interest in Lapty Weaving
- The speaker shares their personal interest in lapty weaving and its appeal as a unique and attention-grabbing craft.
- Lapty weaving has drawn interest at various events and online platforms.
12:00 🎓 Creating a Lapty Weaving School
- The idea of establishing a lapty weaving school is introduced.
- The potential for teaching lapty weaving to individuals worldwide, both through videos and in-person sessions, is discussed.
12:58 🧶 Personal Enjoyment of Lapty Weaving
- The speaker shares their personal enjoyment of lapty weaving, particularly during the winter.
- They discuss the speed of weaving, the simplicity or complexity of designs, and the appeal of lapty as a craft.
15:01 📹 Technical Discussion: Camera Orientation
- Technical issues related to the camera orientation are addressed, including a vertical camera setup.
- The conversation briefly touches on the importance of understanding technical aspects of video streaming.
16:00 📦 Sending Lapty Orders
- The discussion transitions to sending lapty orders to viewers.
- The potential for viewers to place orders and watch the crafting process in real-time is highlighted.
17:40 🌐 Promoting Lapty Weaving School
- The idea of promoting a lapty weaving school is introduced, and the potential for reaching a wider audience is discussed.
- The speaker envisions a virtual learning experience and the role of viewers in promoting the craft.
19:27 🤔 Discussion on Weaving Technique
- The video demonstrates the weaving technique for lapty.
- Key points include weaving the lychki (straps), creating patterns, and adjusting the position of lychki.
21:09 🏞️ Discussion on Lapty Usage in Different Seasons
- The discussion revolves around when and why people used lapty in different seasons.
- Lapty were preferred in winter to keep warm, while in summer, people often wore boots coated with wax.
23:24 🌲 Crafting Onuchy (Foot Wraps) from Cloth
- The section covers making onuchy (foot wraps) from cloth, such as long strips of fabric.
- Onuchy were used to wrap feet for warmth and protection in cold weather.
25:01 🧦 Benefits of Lapty in Cold Weather
- The benefits of wearing lapty in cold weather are discussed, emphasizing their insulating properties and breathability compared to modern footwear.
- Lapty were considered comfortable and efficient for outdoor work in cold conditions.
26:16 🌟 Discussion on Lapty Comfort and Durability
- Lapty are praised for being extremely lightweight and comfortable to wear.
- They are described as feeling like you’re barefoot when they are dry.
- The section also touches on planning future
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