MGS - Gray Fox Rox

His powered exoskeleton, high-frequency katana and adaptive camouflage surely make this mysterious Cyborg Ninja one of the coolest characters in gaming history. Metal Gear Solids epic story and incredible real-time cinematics only further serve to deify him in the gaming Ninja hall of fame. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Gray Fox - Rox. A musical tribute to the Cyborg Ninja of MGS fame. Gray Fox Rox highlights cut scenes from the Gamecube re-release of Metal Gear Solid - The Twin Snakes. While the video editing is clean and simple (you would have a very hard improving on Hideos masterpiece!), allot of effort was put into the audio side of this project; complimentary tracks are seamlessly looped, cut and mixed into each other, all in time with, and serving to enhance the action on screen. Play it loud and enjoy!
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