If you’re an actor, or just someone who needs to memorize some lines of text real quick, check this flippin’ awesome technique out. Don’t ask me how it works, it just does! Memorize lines instantly, with no memorization techniques, no joke. It’s a pretty awesome little hack. And it works! This little app will also help you do the same thing: To check out Lauren Tothero’s YouTube channel and website (she’s a professional actor): 0:00 Intro 1:09 STEP 1 1:35 STEP 2 2:09 STEP 3 2:41 STEP 4 2:58 A more difficult example 4:42 THE FINAL ATTEMPT! 4:58 Outro #MemorizeLines #MemoryTechniques ______ SOCIAL: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: WEBSITE: TWITCH: __ Registration for my Everest Memory Mast
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